HI Points - A Personal Blog
Hanauma Bay, Honolulu HI
Hi! Welcome to HI Points.
My name is Gregg.
First off, if you are reading this and decide to read any other post I would like to sincerely thank you. I appreciate you taking any amount of time from your life to read this blog. I hope you find its content useful, helpful, and/or informative.
In regards to content, my plan for this blog is for it to be about travel, credit cards, and points and miles (aka travel hacking).
Born and raised in Honolulu, HI I understand the cost of traveling anywhere out of state is not the cheapest and so hope to share what knowledge I have in the space of travel hacking for HI residents.
Now I will be blunt in saying that there is no such thing as “traveling for free” as clickbait articles and headlines may often tempt you to click on. I do believe, however, that it is possible to travel more often w/out it breaking your bank and is something I encourage everyone to do w/ every opportunity they get.
Regardless of your destination and reason, I believe that traveling increases the quality of your life, which in turn can help you become a better person for others - your family, friends, co-workers, - and ultimately this world.
An Instagram to a Blog (and possibly more)
I initially started HI Points as an Instagram (which I will still post in and you can find @hi_points), but decided to make my main outlet a blog. I did this for two reasons:
1) The freedom to post what I want, w/out constraint (IG limits you on the length of your posts), and
2) I simply wanted to own the content I produce.
Now I have other content ideas in mind related to travel and travel hacking. My hope and plan is to produce content beyond just this blog. Whether or not that will happen we shall see…
On this note, I do want to inform you the contents of this blog may include other random subjects or topics that may not be relevant to travel hacking and may just be things I find important or interesting. Please remember this is after all my personal blog, so feel free to take or leave its contents.
Anyway, to wrap this first post, I would again like to say thank you for making the time to read anything on this blog. I truly appreciate it.
If by any chance you happen to have any questions or would like any help or advice regarding anything travel/travel hacking-related, please feel free to let me know.
Thanks for reading and have a good day!